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Melomakarona with chocolate

And when you thought that Christmas couldn't get any better, I made melomakarona covered with chocolate, because everything is better with chocolate!

Vegan, soy free | 20 pieces | DESSERT


  • 20 melomakarona
  • 270g dark chocolate
  • 20g almonds, crushed
  • 20g walnuts, crushed




1.Get the full recipe for melomakarona here, without adding the crushed nuts on top.


2.Crumble the chocolate into a bowl and place it over a pot with boiling water (the bowl shouldn't be touching the hot water!), creating a bain-marie. Wait for the chocolate to melt and remove from the heat.

3.Alternatively, melt the chocolate in a microwave. Add the chocolate in a bowl, cover with clean film and add in the microwave for 30 seconds at 800w. Remove, check if it has melted, if not add for additional 30 seconds. Be careful not to burn the chocolate.

4.Add one by one the melomakarona into the chocolate and place carefully on a parchment paper to set.

5.Before the chocolate sets, add a pinch of the mixed nuts on top of each biscuit.


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