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Celebrate Easter with a delicious meat-free feast!

Orthodox Easter is almost here, and I'm excited to share some of my favourite vegetarian and vegan recipes perfect for your festive table! Whether you follow a plant-based diet or are simply looking to reduce meat consumption, these flavourful dishes are sure to impress.

The best period to try veganism is just upon us!

In just a few days, Kathara Deftera, commonly known as Green Monday, will arrive—a movable feast falling on the sixth Monday before Palm Sunday, heralding the beginning of Holy Week and preceding Pascha Sunday (Easter).


January often comes with new goals and resolutions, and one interesting challenge is Veganuary, a 31-day commitment to avoiding animal products. Started in 2014, it not only offers personal benefits like lower blood pressure and weight loss but also supports the environment and animal welfare.

Vegan Christmas

Are you considering a vegan Christmas this year but unsure where to begin? Fear not! This marks my 8th year as a vegan, and I confess to spending a year or two solely indulging in burgers 😆. However, much has changed since then, and I'm here to assist you in simplifying the process!