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Homemade lemonade

Delicious and refreshing lemonade, the way my mom used to make it when I was a kid!

Vegan, nut free, soy free | 1,5L | DRINK


  • 3kg lemons
  • 1kg sugar



1.Squeeze the lemons and add them into a bowl.

2.Weigh the lemon juice, mine was 1L, so I added 1kg of sugar.

3.Combine the juice with the sugar for a couple of minutes.

4.Cover and set aside.

5.Combine twice per day for the next 2 days.

6.Once the sugar has fully dissolved, it's ready.

7.Keep it in the fridge and serve 1 part of lemonade with 4 parts of water (still or sparkling).


*You can use half of the amount of sugar if you want it less sweet!


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