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Apricot jam

You will be surprised how easy is to make jam at home and once you've tried the homemade it's hard to go back to the store-bought ones!

Vegan, nut free, soy free, gluten free | 1kg | JAM


  • 1kg apricots (net weigh)
  • 500g sugar
  • Juice of half lemon


1.Wash really well the apricots and make sure to remove any that are not really good.

2.Cut in the middle and remove the pits.

3.In a large pot, add the fruits and sugar and put on a high heat for 5 minutes approximately.

4.Lower the heat and remember to stir every now and then, as you don't want the sugar to stick in the bottom.

5.The cooking process will take around 40 minutes.

6.While the jam is getting cooked, sterilize your jars.

7.The jars must be very well washed and tried.

8.Add them a baking tray with some space between them and add in a preheated oven at 180°C for 10minutes.

9.Add the jar lids in a pot with boiling water on a medium heat for the same amount of time.

10.After 10minutes, remove carefully both the jars and the lids and place them upside up on clean kitchen towel.

11.The jam must be ready by now. Turn off the heat, all the lemon juice and blend.

12.Carefully fill your jars until the top and cover.

13.Let them cool on the counter upside down.

14.Store them in a dry and cool cupboard, once you open store in the fridge and consume within a month.




*Make sure to use only good apricots.

*The sugar ration is usually half of the amount of the fruit; however, you can add less/more depending on your preference.

*The blending step is optional, feel free to keep some whole pieces if you like.

*Sterilize the jars and use them immediately.

*It's worth sterilizing the hand blender and spoons/ladles that you will be using, although I didn't.

*Make sure not to double dip the spoons inside the jars as the jam will go bad.

*If you don't have a hand blender, you can use a multi or blender.

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